Data Manipulation¶
import arcpy
except ImportError:
print("import arcpy error")
import os
Exploring Spatial Data¶
Checking for the Existence of Data¶
Two types of paths
System Paths
- System paths are the paths commonly used in Python and other programming languages to reference files and directories on your computer's file system.
- Absolute path:
- Relative path:
Catalog Paths
- Catalog paths are specific to ArcGIS and are used to reference datasets, layers, and other geographic resources within a GIS workspace.
- File geodatabase feature class:
- Shapefile:
os.path.exists(r".\database\cities.shp"), arcpy.Exists(r".\database\cities.shp")
(True, True)
(False, True)
Describing Data¶
- The
function is used to determine properties of dataset - General syntax
import arcpy < variable> = arcpy.Describe(< input dataset>)
- Online help
desc = arcpy.Describe("./database/cities.shp")
ShapeFile Point
# Set the workspace to the 'database' folder
arcpy.env.workspace = "./database"
# Allow overwrite of output files
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Input feature class to be clipped
infc = "railroads.shp"
# Clip features
clipfc = "new_mexico.shp"
# Output feature class after clipping
outfc = "Results/railroads_clip.shp"
# Describe the clip features to determine their geometry type
desc = arcpy.Describe(clipfc)
type = desc.shapeType
# Check if the clip features are polygons
if type == "Polygon":
# Perform the clip analysis
arcpy.Clip_analysis(infc, clipfc, outfc)
print("Clip analysis run successfully.")
print("The clip features are not polygons.")
Clip analysis run successfully.
The Describe function¶
function will always return aDescribe object
function returns a set of generic properties for all Describe objects.Generic Describe Object Properties
data = "./database/cities.shp"
desc = arcpy.Describe(data)
print("baseName: {}".format(desc.baseName))
print("catalogPath: {}".format(desc.catalogPath))
print("file: {}".format(desc.file))
print("name: {}".format(
print("path: {}".format(desc.path))
print("dataType: {}".format(desc.dataType))
print("extension: {}".format(desc.extension))
baseName: cities catalogPath: ./database/cities.shp file: cities.shp name: cities.shp path: ./database dataType: ShapeFile extension: shp
data = "./database/cities.shp"
desc = arcpy.Describe(data)
# Print some feature class properties
print("Feature Type: {}".format(desc.featureType))
print("Shape Type : {}".format(desc.shapeType))
print("Spatial Index: {}".format(desc.hasSpatialIndex))
Feature Type: Simple Shape Type : Point Spatial Index: False
data = "./database/cities.shp"
desc = arcpy.Describe(data)
# If the table has an OID, print the OID field name
if desc.hasOID:
print("OIDFieldName: {}".format(desc.OIDFieldName))
# Print the names and types of all the fields in the table
for field in desc.fields:
print("{:22} : {}".format(,field.type))
OIDFieldName: FID FID : OID Shape : Geometry CITIESX020 : Double FEATURE : String NAME : String POP_RANGE : String POP_2000 : Integer FIPS55 : String COUNTY : String FIPS : String STATE : String STATE_FIPS : String DISPLAY : SmallInteger
desc = arcpy.Describe(r"./database/new_mexico.shp")
print("Dataset Type: {0}".format(desc.datasetType))
print(f"Extent:\n XMin: {desc.extent.XMin}, XMax: {desc.extent.XMax}, \n \
YMin: { desc.extent.YMin}, YMax: {desc.extent.YMax}")
print("Spatial reference name: {0}:".format(
Dataset Type: FeatureClass Extent: XMin: -109.05010223388672, XMax: -103.00065612792969, YMin: 31.331899642944336, YMax: 36.99942398071289 Spatial reference name: GCS_North_American_1983:
desc = arcpy.Describe("./database/testdata.gdb/ElevationFloat")
print("{:20} {}".format("bandCount:",desc.bandCount))
print("{:20} {}".format("compressionType:",desc.compressionType))
print("{:20} {}".format("format:",desc.format))
bandCount: 1 compressionType: NONE format: FGDBR
desc = arcpy.Describe("./database/testdata.gdb/ElevationFloat")
print("{:15} {}".format("height: ", desc.height))
print("{:15} {}".format("width:", desc.width))
print("{:15} {}".format("pixelType:", desc.pixelType))
print("{:15} {}".format("isInteger:", desc.isInteger))
height: 207 width: 233 pixelType: F32 isInteger: False
desc = arcpy.Describe("./database/testdata.gdb/buffers_poly")
print("{:15} {}".format("Data type: ", desc.dataType))
print("{:15} {}".format("File path: ", desc.path))
print("{:15} {}".format("Catalog path: ", desc.catalogPath))
print("{:15} {}".format("File name: ", desc.file))
print("{:15} {}".format("Base name: ",desc.baseName))
print("{:15} {}".format("Name: ",
Data type: FeatureClass File path: ./database/testdata.gdb Catalog path: ./database/testdata.gdb/buffers_poly File name: buffers_poly Base name: buffers_poly Name: buffers_poly
Describing a feature class and raster¶
You can use the Describe
object dataType
property to determine what is being described. Some of the values returned by the dataType property include:
- FeatureLayer
- FeatureClass
- File
- Folder
- LasDataset
- Layer
- MosaicDataset
- NetworkDataset
- RasterBand
- RasterDataset
- ShapeFile
- Table
- TextFile
- Toolbox The complete list of dataType can be found at:
The hasattr()
function returns a Boolean value. An example of using the function with the Describe object is shown below.
desc = arcpy.Describe("./database/testdata.gdb/ElevationFloat")
if hasattr(desc, "name"):
print("Name: {}".format(
if hasattr(desc, "bandCount"):
print("Raster bands: {}".format(str(desc.bandCount)))
if hasattr(desc, "shapeType"):
print("Shape type: {}".format(desc.shapeType))
Name: ElevationFloat Raster bands: 1
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
image = arcpy.RasterToNumPyArray("./database/testdata.gdb/ElevationInt")
List Data¶
Listing data is very common
Several different list functions in
Similar logic:
- Create a
- Iterate over the
using afor
- Create a
The complete list data functions can be found at:
List Feature Classes¶
function returns a list of feature classes in the current workspaceGeneral syntax:
ListFeatureClasses ({wild_card}, {feature_type}, {feature_dataset})
No filtering:
fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
Filtering based on wild card
fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("c*")
Filtering based on
fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("", "point")
arcpy.env.workspace = r"./database"
fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
['airports.shp', 'alaska.shp', 'amtrak_stations.shp', 'cities.shp', 'counties.shp', 'new_mexico.shp', 'railroads.shp', 'resultbuffers_poly.shp', 'resultLittlePolys.shp', 'resultWatersheds_polygon.shp', 'roads.shp']
fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses("*es.shp")
['cities.shp', 'counties.shp']
Listing Fields¶
- The
function lists thefields
in afeature class
in a specified dataset. - General syntax:
ListFields(dataset, {wild_card}, {field_type})
fieldlist = arcpy.ListFields("cities.shp")
for field in fieldlist:
print("{:15} : {}".format(,field.type))
FID : OID Shape : Geometry CITIESX020 : Double FEATURE : String NAME : String POP_RANGE : String POP_2000 : Integer FIPS55 : String COUNTY : String FIPS : String STATE : String STATE_FIPS : String DISPLAY : SmallInteger
Using Lists in for loops¶
The following script creates a list of fields
of type String
and determines for each text field what the length of the field is
fieldlist = arcpy.ListFields("cities.shp","", "String")
for field in fieldlist:
print("{:15} {}".format(, str(field.length)))
The following script creates a list of TIFF
files and iterates through each file in the list to build pyramids
tifflist = arcpy.ListRasters("", "TIF" )
for tiff in tifflist:
resultElevationFloat..tif resultElevationFloat.tif resultsElevationFloat.tif
Manipulating Spatial Data¶
arcpy.da cursors
Search cursor
Update cursor
Insert cursor
- SQL query
What's Cursor?¶
- Similar to
functions:- Iterate through
feature classes
, andfields
- Iterate through
- Cursors:
- Iterate through
in a table - Read and write
to and from records,row
- Iterate through
- General Syntax
- Required parameters:
An input table
A list (or tuple) of field names
- General syntax:
arcpy.da.InsertCursor(in_table, field_names) arcpy.da.SearchCursor(in_table, field_names, {where_clause}, {spatial_reference}, {explore_to_points}) arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(in_table, field_names, {where_clause}, {spatial_reference}, {explore_to_points})
- Required parameters:
- General syntax
arcpy.da.SearchCursor(in_table, field_names, {where_clause}, {spatial_reference}, {explore_to_points})
- Parameters
- Methods
fc = "airports.shp"
desc = arcpy.Describe(fc)
fields = desc.fields
for field in fields:
print("{:15} {}".format(, field.type))
FID OID Shape Geometry AREA Double PERIMETER Double AIRPRTX020 Double LOCID String FEATURE String NAME String TOT_ENP Double STATE String COUNTY String FIPS String STATE_FIPS String
fc = "airports.shp"
fields = ["LOCID", "NAME"]
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, fields)
for index,row in enumerate(cursor):
print("LOCID = {}, NAME = {}".format(row[0], row[1]))
if index > 10:
del cursor, row
LOCID = 4Z7, NAME = Hyder LOCID = KCL, NAME = Chignik Lagoon LOCID = KKA, NAME = Koyuk LOCID = KVL, NAME = Kivalina LOCID = 5KE, NAME = Ketchikan Harbor LOCID = MTM, NAME = Metlakatla LOCID = KWF, NAME = Waterfall LOCID = KTN, NAME = Ketchikan LOCID = KXA, NAME = Kasaan LOCID = HYL, NAME = Hollis LOCID = CGA, NAME = Craig LOCID = KTB, NAME = Thorne Bay
Select by attribute using SQL
fields = ["LOCID", "NAME", "FEATURE"]
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, fields, where_clause="\"FEATURE\" <> 'Airport'")
for row in cursor:
print("LOCID = {:10} NAME = {:20} FEATURE = {}".format(row[0], row[1], row[2]))
del cursor, row
LOCID = 4Z7 NAME = Hyder FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = 5KE NAME = Ketchikan Harbor FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = MTM NAME = Metlakatla FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = KWF NAME = Waterfall FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = KXA NAME = Kasaan FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = HYL NAME = Hollis FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = CGA NAME = Craig FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = KTB NAME = Thorne Bay FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = KCC NAME = Coffman Cove FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = 84K NAME = Meyers Chuck FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = 78K NAME = Yes Bay Lodge FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = KAE NAME = Kake FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = AGN NAME = Angoon FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = FNR NAME = Funter Bay FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = TKE NAME = Tenakee FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = HWI NAME = Hawk Inlet FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = PEC NAME = Pelican FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = ELV NAME = Elfin Cove FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = EXI NAME = Excursion Inlet FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = ALZ NAME = Alitak FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = WSJ NAME = San Juan/Uganik Bay FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = T44 NAME = Trident Basin FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = KIB NAME = Ivanof Bay FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = 5Z9 NAME = Lake Brooks FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = LHD NAME = Lake Hood FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = KQA NAME = Akutan FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = KKI NAME = Akiachak FEATURE = Seaplane Base LOCID = WWT NAME = Newtok FEATURE = Seaplane Base
- Guarantee closure and release of database lock
- Reset iteration
fields = ["LOCID", "NAME"]
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, fields) as cursor:
for index, row in enumerate(cursor):
print("LOCID = {}, NAME = {}".format(row[0], row[1]))
if index == 10:
LOCID = 4Z7, NAME = Hyder LOCID = KCL, NAME = Chignik Lagoon LOCID = KKA, NAME = Koyuk LOCID = KVL, NAME = Kivalina LOCID = 5KE, NAME = Ketchikan Harbor LOCID = MTM, NAME = Metlakatla LOCID = KWF, NAME = Waterfall LOCID = KTN, NAME = Ketchikan LOCID = KXA, NAME = Kasaan LOCID = HYL, NAME = Hollis LOCID = CGA, NAME = Craig
Shape Field Tokens for feature classes¶
fc = "airports.shp"
fields = ["NAME","SHAPE@X","SHAPE@Y"]
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, fields)
for index, row in enumerate(cursor):
print("NAME = {:20} X = {:.4f} Y = {:.4f}".format(row[0],row[1],row[2]))
if index == 10:
del cursor, row
NAME = Hyder X = -130.0125 Y = 55.9043 NAME = Chignik Lagoon X = -158.5326 Y = 56.3079 NAME = Koyuk X = -161.1511 Y = 64.9381 NAME = Kivalina X = -164.5256 Y = 67.7452 NAME = Ketchikan Harbor X = -131.6851 Y = 55.3478 NAME = Metlakatla X = -131.5781 Y = 55.1310 NAME = Waterfall X = -133.2433 Y = 55.2963 NAME = Ketchikan X = -131.7137 Y = 55.3556 NAME = Kasaan X = -132.3975 Y = 55.5374 NAME = Hollis X = -132.6461 Y = 55.4816 NAME = Craig X = -133.1478 Y = 55.4788
General syntax
arcpy.da.InsertCursor(in_table, field_names)
fc = "airports.shp"
fields = ["NAME","SHAPE@X","SHAPE@Y"]
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc, fields)
del cursor
fc = "airports.shp"
fields = ["NAME","SHAPE@XY"]
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc,fields)
del cursor
General Syntax
arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(in_table,field_names, (where_clause},{spatial_reference}, (explode_to_points},{sql_clause})
fc = "airports.shp"
fields = ["NAME"]
cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, fields)
for row in cursor:
if row[0] == "Binghamton":
row[0] = "Albany"
del cursor, row
fc = "airports.shp"
fields = ["NAME"]
cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, fields)
for row in cursor:
if row[0] == "Albany" or row[0] == "Corning":
del cursor, row
Cursor Table Locking¶
Shared lock
- Placed on a
any time atable
orfeature clas
s is accessed by ArcGIS. - Examples of
shared locks
: Displaying afeature class
in ArcMap or previewing a table in ArcCatalog.
- Placed on a
Exclusive lock
- Applied when changes are made to a
orfeature class
, either to field values or to the schema. - Examples of when an
exclusive lock
is applied: Using anUpdateCursor
in a Python IDE, saving edits to a feature class in ArcMap, or changing the schema in ArcCatalog.
- Applied when changes are made to a
Release the lock
del row
del cursor
fc = "airports.shp"
fields = ["NAME"]
cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, fields)
for row in cursor:
if row[0] == "Albany":
del row
del cursor
Using SQL in Python¶
Structured Query Language (SQL)
- Apply a query based on attribute table
- As
parameters in many tools inArcToolbox
SearchCursor(in_table, field_names {where_clause}, {spatial_reference}, {fields}, {explode_to_points}) Select_analysis(in_features, out_feature_class, {where_clause})
Field delimiters
- (
" "
) forshapefiles
andfile geodatabase
feature classes
- (
[ ]
) for personalgeodatabase
feature classes
- (
fc = "airports.shp"
fieldname = "NAME"
delimfield = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(fc,fieldname)
where_clause = delimfield + "='Goodnews'"
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,["NAME","LOCID"],where_clause)
for row in cursor:
print("LOCID = {}".format(row[1]))
del cursor, row
"NAME"='Goodnews' LOCID = GNU
Validating Table Names¶
- Determine whether a
name is valid for a workspace - Any invalid characters will be replaced by an underscore (
) - General syntax:
arcpy.ValidateTableName(name, {workspace})
workspace = "./database/testdata.gdb"
table = arcpy.ValidateTableName("all roads",workspace)
workspace = "./database/testdata.gdb"
fclist = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for fc in fclist:
fcname = arcpy.Describe(fc).basename
newfcname = arcpy.ValidateTableName(fcname)
outfc = os.path.join(workspace,newfcname)
airports.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\airports alaska.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\alaska amtrak_stations.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\amtrak_stations cities.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\cities counties.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\counties new_mexico.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\new_mexico railroads.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\railroads resultbuffers_poly.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\resultbuffers_poly resultLittlePolys.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\resultLittlePolys resultWatersheds_polygon.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\resultWatersheds_polygon roads.shp ./database/testdata.gdb\roads
Validating Field Names¶
- Determine whether a field name is valid for a workspace
- Any invalid characters will be replaced by an underscore (
) - General syntax:
arcpy.ValidateFieldName(name, {workspace})
fc = "./database/airports.shp"
fieldname = arcpy.ValidateFieldName("NEW%&",fc)
fields = arcpy.ListFields(fc)
for field in fields:
Creating Unique Names¶
- Creates a unique
in the specified workspace by appending a number to the input name
fc = "./database/airports.shp"
unique_name = arcpy.CreateUniqueName("buffer.shp")
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(fc,unique_name,"1000 FEET")
unique_name = arcpy.CreateUniqueName("buffer.shp")
arcpy.Buffer_analysis(fc,unique_name,"1000 FEET")
['airports.shp', 'alaska.shp', 'amtrak_stations.shp', 'buffer.shp', 'buffer0.shp', 'cities.shp', 'counties.shp', 'new_mexico.shp', 'railroads.shp', 'resultbuffers_poly.shp', 'resultLittlePolys.shp', 'resultWatersheds_polygon.shp', 'roads.shp']
fc = "./database/airports.shp"
fullname = arcpy.ParseTableName(fc)
namelist = fullname.split(", ")
databasename = namelist[0]
ownername = namelist[1]
fcname = namelist[2]
(null) (null) ./database/airports.shp
Parsing Table and Field Names¶
function- Return
database name
,owner name
, andtable name
. - Separated by a comma (
- Return
Example Script¶
- Select those airports that are located in the
Nome Census Area
county and print out theirNAME
fc = "./database/airports.shp"
fd_lst = ["COUNTY","NAME","LOCID"]
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,fd_lst)
for row in cursor:
if row[0] == 'Nome Census Area':
print("COUNTY = %s NAME = %-20s LOCID = %-20s" %(row[0],row[1],row[2]))
del cursor,row
COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Koyuk LOCID = KKA COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Saint Michael LOCID = 5S8 COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Stebbins LOCID = WBB COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Unalakleet LOCID = UNK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Shaktoolik LOCID = 38A COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Elim LOCID = ELI COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Golovin LOCID = GLV COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = White Mountain LOCID = WMO COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Nome LOCID = OME COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Savoonga LOCID = SVA COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Teller LOCID = K54 COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Brevig Mission LOCID = KTS COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Shishmaref LOCID = SHH COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Wales LOCID = IWK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Gambell LOCID = GAM
- Based on the selected airports in Question 1.1, update the
field toAK
if theirSTATE
field isempty
fd_lst = ["COUNTY","NAME","LOCID","STATE"]
cursor = arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc,fd_lst)
for row in cursor:
if row[0] == 'Nome Census Area':
if row[3] in [" ","",None]:
row[3] = 'AK'
print("COUNTY = %s NAME = %-20s LOCID = %-8s STATE =% s" %(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3]))
del cursor, row
COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Koyuk LOCID = KKA STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Saint Michael LOCID = 5S8 STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Stebbins LOCID = WBB STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Unalakleet LOCID = UNK STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Shaktoolik LOCID = 38A STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Elim LOCID = ELI STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Golovin LOCID = GLV STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = White Mountain LOCID = WMO STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Nome LOCID = OME STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Savoonga LOCID = SVA STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Teller LOCID = K54 STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Brevig Mission LOCID = KTS STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Shishmaref LOCID = SHH STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Wales LOCID = IWK STATE =AK COUNTY = Nome Census Area NAME = Gambell LOCID = GAM STATE =AK
- Export the information about those airports in
Nome Census Area
County to atext
file, including these fields:NAME
, andLatitude
# Open the text file for writing
with open('./database/airports_NCA.txt', 'w') as f:
# Print header for content written to the text file
print('Content written to the text file:')
# Define the list of fields to be retrieved from the feature class
field_list = ["COUNTY", "NAME", "LOCID", "SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y"]
# Create a search cursor to iterate through the feature class records
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, field_list) as cursor:
# Iterate through each row in the feature class
for row in cursor:
# Check if the COUNTY field value is 'Nome Census Area'
if row[0] == 'Nome Census Area':
# Format the row data
row_new = "NAME = {:<20} LOCID = {:<10} X = {:<20} Y = {:<20}".format(row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4])
# Print the formatted row data
# Write the formatted row data to the text file
f.write(row_new + '\n')
# Cleanup: Close the cursor and delete the cursor and row objects
del cursor, row
Content written to the text file: NAME = Koyuk LOCID = KKA X = -161.1510772705078 Y = 64.93807220458984 NAME = Saint Michael LOCID = 5S8 X = -162.11036682128906 Y = 63.49005126953125 NAME = Stebbins LOCID = WBB X = -162.28274536132812 Y = 63.51591873168945 NAME = Unalakleet LOCID = UNK X = -160.7989501953125 Y = 63.88835906982422 NAME = Shaktoolik LOCID = 38A X = -161.20252990722656 Y = 64.36263275146484 NAME = Elim LOCID = ELI X = -162.2700653076172 Y = 64.61400604248047 NAME = Golovin LOCID = GLV X = -163.03952026367188 Y = 64.5434341430664 NAME = White Mountain LOCID = WMO X = -163.4125518798828 Y = 64.68919372558594 NAME = Nome LOCID = OME X = -165.44525146484375 Y = 64.51219940185547 NAME = Savoonga LOCID = SVA X = -170.4926300048828 Y = 63.68639373779297 NAME = Teller LOCID = K54 X = -166.3360137939453 Y = 65.24089813232422 NAME = Brevig Mission LOCID = KTS X = -166.46316528320312 Y = 65.33135986328125 NAME = Shishmaref LOCID = SHH X = -166.0895538330078 Y = 66.24956512451172 NAME = Wales LOCID = IWK X = -168.0991668701172 Y = 65.62393951416016 NAME = Gambell LOCID = GAM X = -171.73281860351562 Y = 63.76676559448242
Write a program that converts the airports.txt
into a Point
-type shapefile
. The resulting shapefile
should have the following fields based on the information from the airports.txt
, including NAME
, X
, and Y
# Set overwrite output to True to overwrite existing outputs
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
# Define the output path for the feature class
out_path = arcpy.env.workspace + '/results'
# Define the fields to be added to the feature class
fields = ["NAME", "LOCID", "SHAPE@X", "SHAPE@Y"]
# Create a new feature class
arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(out_path, 'airports.shp', geometry_type="POINT")
print('Creating output feature class: ' + out_path + '/airports.shp')
print('Adding fields to the feature class ...')
# Add fields to the feature class
for field in fields:
arcpy.AddField_management(out_path + '/airports.shp', field, "String")
# List fields in the feature class and print their names
fields_fc = arcpy.ListFields(out_path + '/airports.shp')
for field in fields_fc:
print('Successful add fields.')
# Create an insert cursor to insert rows into the feature class
cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(out_path + '/airports.shp', fields)
# Read data from the airports.txt file and insert rows into the feature class
with open('./database/airports.txt') as f:
line = f.readline()
while line:
# Split each line into a list of values
row1 = list(line.split(','))
# Insert a new row into the feature class with values from the list
cursor.insertRow([row1[1].split(':')[1], row1[2].split(':')[1], row1[3].split(':')[1], row1[4].split(':')[1]])
line = f.readline()
print('Successful add field')
except Exception as e:
# Print error message if an exception occurs
print('Something went wrong: {}'.format(str(e)))
# Clean up: close the cursor
del cursor
Creating output feature class: ./database/results/airports.shp Adding fields to the feature class ... FID Shape Id NAME LOCID SHAPE_X SHAPE_Y Successful add fields. Successful add field
cursor = arcpy.da.SearchCursor(out_path + '/airports.shp',fields)
for index,row in enumerate(cursor):
row_new = "NAME = %-20s LOCID = %-10s X = %-20s Y = % s" %(row[0],row[1],row[2],row[3])
if index == 10:
NAME = Hyder LOCID = 4Z7 X = -130.012527 Y = 55.904339 NAME = Chignik Lagoon LOCID = KCL X = -158.532562 Y = 56.307869 NAME = Koyuk LOCID = KKA X = -161.151077 Y = 64.938072 NAME = Kivalina LOCID = KVL X = -164.525589 Y = 67.745209 NAME = Ketchikan Harbor LOCID = 5KE X = -131.685104 Y = 55.347809 NAME = Metlakatla LOCID = MTM X = -131.578064 Y = 55.131046 NAME = Waterfall LOCID = KWF X = -133.243332 Y = 55.296322 NAME = Ketchikan LOCID = KTN X = -131.713745 Y = 55.355568 NAME = Kasaan LOCID = KXA X = -132.397522 Y = 55.537415 NAME = Hollis LOCID = HYL X = -132.646088 Y = 55.481586 NAME = Craig LOCID = CGA X = -133.147797 Y = 55.478832
Write a script that determines the perimeter
(in meters) and area
(in square meters) of each of the individual islands of the Hawaii.shp
feature class.
Note that this is a multipart feature class.
# Define the path to the feature class
fc = './database/Hawaii.shp'
# Define the spatial reference (WGS84)
spatialRef = arcpy.Describe(fc).spatialReference
# Create a search cursor to iterate over the features in the feature class
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ["SHAPE@"]) as cursor:
# Iterate over each feature in the feature class
for row in cursor:
# Get the polygon token from the current row
polygon_token = row[0]
# Print the number of parts in the polygon
print('partCount = ' + str(polygon_token.partCount))
# Iterate over each part of the polygon
for index, part in enumerate(polygon_token):
# Create a Polygon object from the part
polygon = arcpy.Polygon(part, spatialRef)
# Create a Polyline object from the part
line = arcpy.Polyline(part, spatialRef)
# Print the information about the part
print('Part %-2s : Length = %10.2f Area = %15.2f' % (index, line.length, polygon.area))
polygon partCount = 11 Part 0 : Length = 498725.06 Area = 10486352988.49 Part 1 : Length = 56881.00 Area = 119076863.76 Part 2 : Length = 79591.07 Area = 364740852.50 Part 3 : Length = 237012.26 Area = 1907482650.23 Part 4 : Length = 161088.60 Area = 685386630.23 Part 5 : Length = 4352.76 Area = 1031618.81 Part 6 : Length = 4695.33 Area = 1256964.65 Part 7 : Length = 272519.59 Area = 1577775022.82 Part 8 : Length = 78651.62 Area = 196286564.36 Part 9 : Length = 4013.22 Area = 856335.76 Part 10 : Length = 172463.40 Area = 1449442867.86
Write a script that creates a minimum bounding rectangle for the Hawaii.shp
feature class.
There is a tool called Minimum Bounding Geometry that can do this.
However, your script should NOT use the tool arcpy.MinimumBoundingGeometry_management
. Instead, use the hullRectange
properties of a Geometry
object to create the minimum bounding rectangle.
# Define the path to the feature class
fc = './database/Hawaii.shp'
# Define the output path for the minimum bounding rectangle feature class
output = arcpy.env.workspace + './database/results/Q3_envelope.shp'
spatialRef = arcpy.Describe(fc).spatialReference
# Create a minimum bounding rectangle for the input feature class
# by using the hullRectangle property of a Geometry object
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc, ["SHAPE@"]) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
for index, polygon_part in enumerate(row[0]):
# Create a Polygon object from the part
polygon = arcpy.Polygon(polygon_part, spatialRef)
11 0 943452.045900083 2160752.06931347 848866.961181604 2083569.33663454 761452.559297907 2190693.0198836 856037.644016057 2267875.75256261 1 741987.411147994 2266446.54838429 739403.087068047 2276911.38299657 756327.786963191 2281090.99128523 758912.111043138 2270626.15667294 2 700329.879914286 2311913.08339925 716664.021966844 2322755.68775116 731206.155671257 2300848.28709669 714872.013618692 2290005.68274478 3 818656.946992389 2308498.04573065 806668.560448796 2267121.79026442 732099.1055373 2288727.59871061 744087.492080953 2330103.85417688 4 675773.867014209 2333905.67154126 677887.859782256 2351901.97126307 739033.109838283 2344719.34936758 736919.117070233 2326723.0496458 5 617716.988055287 2357152.4317731 617128.289145738 2356185.76019109 615769.262568636 2357013.40163508 616357.961478184 2357980.07321708 6 608378.257655837 2362447.44331445 607760.712556828 2363140.4548852 609083.222390602 2364318.94814665 609700.767489611 2363625.9365759 7 645377.403116668 2359929.29082676 614463.177412539 2332296.33750261 570220.621873131 2381792.47103644 601134.847577435 2409425.42436073 8 376742.13716384 2407757.7896038 368983.365403085 2415356.52917842 389160.670617473 2435958.77569156 396919.442378226 2428360.03611694 9 388742.139477797 2435166.13609357 387846.410280105 2435621.445222 388463.281453057 2436835.01526998 389359.010650749 2436379.70614156 10 470904.860551502 2458728.8413822 470672.091754279 2418066.13592652 418741.322277108 2418363.40740943 418974.091074334 2459026.1128651